Making a financial plan

write, plan, desk

A goal without a plan is just a wish. If you have something you really want, and it needs money – you’ll need a plan to get it. In this article I’ll help you set up your very own financial plan to make your financial journey actually reach its destination.

9 steps to financial freedom

All financial levels are equal, however more are equal than others – financial status exists on a gradient and one will progress up or down with ever coin earned or spent. There are however certain milestones that can carry you along the route to financial freedom. For this article, I wanted to share with you 9 steps to financial freedom.

Life Calendar

Life passes us by, and before we notice we are in the middle of our career – wondering where the time went and how much time we still have left to make up for mistakes made in the past. To illustrate this, the concept of a Life Calendar was created that I wanted share to my readers, to show that we get a fresh box every week.