Are you saving enough?

Piggy bank

What would it take for you to quit your job right now? Or in five years from now? People eager to retire as early as possible have noted saving as much as possible will hasten your moment to quit that job. With that in mind, I thought to have a look at the math behind the savings rate and why you may or may not be willing to maximize it.

9 steps to financial freedom

All financial levels are equal, however more are equal than others – financial status exists on a gradient and one will progress up or down with ever coin earned or spent. There are however certain milestones that can carry you along the route to financial freedom. For this article, I wanted to share with you 9 steps to financial freedom.

Where did all your money go? Tracking your net worth

senior, people, board

You know how much money you are worth right? You might be surprised! Your net worth is much more than a budget and it starts with making a list of all your assets and liabilities, and then subtracting the liabilities from the assets to find out your net worth